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2009.10 -至今:15vip太阳集团15vip太阳集团教授







(1)“若干物理系统的量子效应研究”获国家教育部自然科学二等奖 (位1, 2006.1)

(2)“量子光学中一些理论问题的研究”获山东省自然科学二等奖 (位1, 2011.1)

(3)“新型量子态的构造及量子态新特性研究”获山东省自然科学二等奖(位2, 2007.4)


(位1, 1998.10)

(5)“介观量子系统的物理效应与量子群理论”获山东省自然科学三等奖(位2, 2002.9)

(6)“光场的压缩效应和其它非经典特性研究”获山东省科技进步三等奖(位2, 1995.12)

(7)“一维无公度系统电子态性质的研究”获山东省科技进步二等奖 (位3, 1994.12)

(8) 1998年6月获第五届“山东省青年科技奖”(独立)

(9) 1999年12月获曾宪梓教育基金会高等师范院校优秀教师三等奖(独立)

(10) 2001-2012年:先后五次获山东高等学校优秀科研成果(自然科学类)一等奖



批准号: 11244005,起止时间: 2013.1-2014.12(在研),主持人;


批准号: 10574060,起止时间: 2006.1-2008.12(已按时结题),主持人;


退相干,批准号: 11347026,起止时间: 2014.1-2016.12(在研),参加者(第2位);


批准号: 11147009,起止时间: 2012.1-2014.12(在研),参加者(第3位);


编号: ZR2012AM004,起止时间: 2012.7-2015.7(在研),主持人;


编号: Y2008A23,起止时间: 2008.12-2011.12(已按时结题),主持人;


编号: Y2002A05,起止时间: 2002.12-2005.12(已按时结题),主持人;


编号: Q96A08113,起止时间: 1996.10-1998.12(已按时结题),主持人;


编号: Q94A0505,起止时间: 1994.10-1996.12(已按时结题),主持人;


编号: ZR2013AM012,起止时间: 2013.10-2016.10(在研),参加者(第2位);


编号: ZR2010AQ027,起止时间: 2010.11-2013.11(已按时结题),参加者(第2位)。




[1] Q.-Y.Yang, B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*(王继锁), Decoherencedynamics of a

superconductingchargequbitcoupled to a boson bath and a spin bath. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.53(1): 1-9 (2014.1).


[1] X.-G.Meng, Z. Wang, J.-S.Wang, et al., Wignerfunction, optical tomography of

two-variableHermitepolynomial state, and itsdecoherenceeffects studied by the entangled state representations. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B,Vol.30(6): 1614 (2013.6).

[2] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, Q.-Y.Yang, Decoherencedynamics of a fluxqubitrespectively coupled to a boson bath and a spin bath. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B,Vol.27(24): 1350134 (2013.9).

[3] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, Q.-Y.Yang, Investigatingmesoscopiccircuits with the entangled state representations. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.22(1): 016804 (2013.1).

[4] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Newapproach for deriving the exact time-evolution of density operator for diffusiveanharmonicoscillator and itsWignerdistribution function. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.22(3): 030307 (2013.3).

[5] Q.-Y.Yang, B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, Decoherencedynamics of a chargequbit

coupledto the noise bath. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.22(7): 070301 (2013.7).


[1] J.-S.Wang, H.-Y.Fan, X.-G.Meng, AgeneralizedWeyl-Wignerquantization scheme unifying P-Q and Q-P ordering andWeylordering of operators. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.21(6): 064204 (2012.6).

[2] X.-G.Meng, Z. Wang, H.-Y.Fan, J.-S.Wang, Squeezednumber state and squeezed thermal state:decoherenceanalysis andnonclassicalproperties in the laser process. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B,Vol.29(7): 1835 (2012.7).

[3] X.-G.Meng, Z. Wang, H.-Y.Fan, J.-S.Wang, Z.-S.Yang, Nonclassicalproperties of photon-added two-mode squeezed thermal state and theirdecoherencein the thermal channel. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B,Vol.29(7): 1844 (2012.7).

[4] X.-G.Meng, Z. Wang, H.-Y.Fan, J.-S.Wang, Nonclassicalityanddecoherenceof photon-subtracted squeezed vacuum states. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B,Vol.29(11): 3141 (2012.11).

[5] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, X.-Y.Zhang, Anew bipartite entangled state describing the parametric down-conversion process and its applications in quantum optics. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.21(10): 100305 (2012.10).

[6] B.-L.Zhang, X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang*, Generation of new bipartite coherent- entangled state and its applications.Chin. Phys. B,Vol.21(3): 030304 (2012.3).

[7]于文健,王继锁*,梁宝龙, 非线性相干态光场与二能级原子相互作用的量子特性.物理学报, Vol.61(6): 060301 (2012.6).


[1] J.-S.Wang, K.-Z.Yan, B.-L.Liang, Quantumeffects of a domain wall in the

ferromagneticsystem. Mod.Phys.Lett. B,Vol.25(6): 413 (2011.3).

[2] J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, et al., Afamily of generalizedWigneroperators and its

physicalmeaning asbivariatenormal distribution. Chin. Phys.Lett.,Vol.28(10): 104209 (2011.10).

[3] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, X.-Y.Zhang, B.-L.Liang, Newparameterized entangled state representation and its applications. J. Phys. B,Vol.44(16): 165506 (2011.8).

[4] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, et al., Newbipartite coherent-entangled state in two-modeFockspace and its applications. Opt.Commun.,Vol.284(7): 2070 (2011.4).

[5] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Thefinite-dimensional even and odd pair

coherentstate and its statistical properties. Optik,Vol.122(22): 2021 (2011.11).

[6] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Theconstruction, properties and applications of a new bipartite coherent-entangled state in the two-modeFockspace.

Phys.Scr.,Vol.83(2): 025005 (2011.2).

[7] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Anew kind of bipartite coherent-entangled state and its applications in quantum optics. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.50(3): 906 (2011.3).

[8] W.-J.Yu, Y.-J.Xu, H.-C.Yuan, J.-S.Wang*, S-ordered expansion of the intermediate representation projector and its applications. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.50(9): 2871 (2011.9).

[9] M. Yang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, Anew kind of bipartite entangled state and some of its applications. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.50(11): 3348 (2011.11).

[10] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Anew finite-dimensional thermal coherent state and itsWignerdistribution function. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.20(1): 014204 (2011.1).

[11] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Someapplications of a new coherent-entangled state in two-modeFockspace. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.20(5): 050303 (2011.5).

[12] W.-J.Yu, H.-C.Yuan, J.-S.Wang*, Newgeneralized bipartite coherent-entangled state representation and its application. Science inChinaSeries G,Vol.54(12): 2155 (2011.12).

[13]张晓燕,王继锁, 相空间中对称的纠缠相干态及其非经典特性.物理学报, Vol.60(9): 090304 (2011.9).

[14]刘海燕,王继锁*,梁宝龙, 二项式光场与运动二能级原子相互作用系统的保真度. 量子光学学报, Vol.17(2): 96 (2011.6).

[15]于文健,王继锁*,高云峰,张晓燕,梁宝龙, 非线性相干态光场与二能级原子相互作用系统的保真度. 量子光学学报, Vol.17(4): 258 (2011.12).


[1] J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, B.-L.Liang, Wavefunction for the squeezed atomic coherent state in entangled state representation and some of its applications. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.19(1): 014207 (2010.1).

[2] J.-S.Wang, H.-Y.Fan, X.-G.Meng, Quantumfluctuation in excited states of

mesoscopicLC circuits at finite temperature. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.19(3): 034206 (2010.3).

[3] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Anew finite-dimensional pair coherent state studied by virtue of the entangled state representation and its statistical behavior.

Opt.Commun.,Vol.283(20): 4025 (2010.10).

[4] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, S.-X.Song, X.-G.Meng, Equivalentanalogy ofmesoscopicRLC circuit and its thermal effect. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.49(8): 1768 (2010.8).

[5] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, Selectionrules of energy-level transition for the capacitance coupling LCmesoscopiccircuit by using invarianteigen-operator method. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.49(10): 2313 (2010.10).

[6] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, J. Su, Quantumentanglement and control in acapacitivelycoupled chargequbitcircuit. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.19(1): 010315 (2010.1).

[7] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Energylevel formula for two moving charged particles with Coulomb coupling derived via the entangled state representations. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.19(4): 044202 (2010.4).

[8] J. Su, J.-S.Wang*, X.-Y.Zhang, B.-L.Liang, Theinitialdecoherenceof themesoscopicJosephsonjunction fluxqubit. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.19(5): 057301 (2010.5).

[9] X.-G.Meng, H.-Y.Fan, J.-S.Wang, Normalcoordinate in harmonic crystal obtained by virtue of the classical correspondence of the invarianteigen-operator. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.19(7): 070303 (2010.7).

[10] H.-Y.Liu, J.-S.Wang*, B.-L.Liang, Externalelectric field control in the charge

qubitsincluding threeJosephsonjunctions. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.19(10): 100314 (2010.10).

[11] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Atomiccoherent states as energyeigenstatesof a Hamiltonian describing 2-dimensional anisotropic harmonic potential in uniform magnetic field. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.19(12): 124205 (2010.12).


[1] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Quantumtheory of the mutual-inductance- coupled LC circuit includingJosephsonjunctions studied via the entangled state representation. SolidStateCommun.,Vol.149(45-46): 2027 (2009.12).

[2] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, et al., Atomiccoherent states as theeigenstatesof a two-dimenaionalanisotropic harmonic oscillator in a uniform magnetic field.Mod.Phys.Lett. A,Vol.24(38): 3129 (2009.12).

[3] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, J. Su, ModifiedJosephsonequation and measurement dynamics for theJosephsontransmission line detector.Mod.Phys.Lett. B,Vol.23(16): 2013 (2009.6).

[4] X.-Y.Zhang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, J. Su, Quantumstatistical properties of the even and odd negative binomial states. Mod.Phys.Lett. B,Vol.23(22): 2637 (2009.8).

[5] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, Quantizationfor themesoscopicRLC circuit and its thermal effect by virtue of GHFT. Mod.Phys.Lett. B,Vol.23(30): 3621 (2009.12).

[6] X.-Y.Zhang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, J. Su, Wignerfunctions and tomograms of theKlauder-Perelomovcoherent states for thepseudoharmonicoscillator. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.48(2): 535 (2009.2).

[7] X.-Y.Zhang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, J. Su, Wignerfunctions and tomograms of the even and odd negative binomial states. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.48(3): 803 (2009.3).

[8] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, J. Su, Entangledstate in quantization of

magneticfluxqubitswith mutual inductance coupling. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.48(6): 1545 (2009.6).

[9] X.-Y.Zhang, J.-S.Wang*, B.-L.Liang, J. Su, Marginaldistribution ofWignerfunction inmesoscopicRLC circuit at finite temperature and its application.

Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.48(7): 2000 (2009.7).

[10] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, Thermaleffect for themesoscopicLC circuits including complicated coupling by virtue of GHFT. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.48(8): 2319 (2009.8).

[11] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Quasiprobabilitydistribution functions of

squeezedpair coherent states. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.48(8): 2390 (2009.8).

[12] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Two-variableHermitepolynomial state and itsWignerfunction. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.48(11): 3268 (2009.11).

[13] J. Su, J.-S.Wang*, B.-L.Liang, X.-Y.Zhang, ModifiedJosephsonequation for

mesoscopicparallel LC circuit including aJosephsonjunction. Chin. Phys.Lett.,Vol.26(1): 017302 (2009.1).

[14] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Husimifunctions of excited squeezed vacuum states. Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.52(3): 487 (2009.9).

[15] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Someproperties of two-mode displaced excited squeezed vacuum states. Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.52(3): 493 (2009.9).

[16] X.-Y.Zhang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, J. Su, Wignerfunctions and tomograms of the even and odd binomial states. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.18(2): 604 (2009.2).

[17] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Normalordering andantinormalordering of the operator (fQ+gP)n and some of their applications. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.18(4): 1534 (2009.4).

[18] J. Su, J.-S.Wang*, B.-L.Liang, X.-Y.Zhang, Thermaleffect and energy-level transition rule for themesoscopicLC circuit with inductance-capacitance coupling. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.18(5): 2024 (2009.5).

[19] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Quasiprobabilitydistributions of new kinds of even and odd nonlinear coherent states. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.18(6): 2300 (2009.6).

[20]苏杰,王继锁*,张晓燕,梁宝龙, 有限温度下介观电感耦合电路的能量与量子涨落. 量子电子学报, Vol.26(2): 231 (2009.3).


[1] J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, et al., Energy-level and wave functions of two moving

chargedparticles with elastic coupling derived by virtue of the entangled state

representations. PhysicaA,Vol.387(16-17): 4453 (2008.7).

[2] J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, et al., OperatorJosephsonequation for aJosephson

junctionconnected into amesoscopicLCcircuit.Mod. Phys.Lett. B,Vol.22(32): 3171 (2008.12).

[3] J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, Wignerfunctions and tomograms of the photon-depleted even and odd coherent states. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.17(4): 1254 (2008.4).

[4] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, ModifiedJosephsonequations for the

mesoscopicLC circuit including two coupledJosephsonjunctions. J. Phys. A,Vol.41(23): 235208 (2008.6).

[5] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, Y.Zhai, et al., Number-phase quantization and deriving

energy-levelgap of two LC circuits with mutual-inductance. Chin. Phys.Lett.,Vol.25(4): 1205 (2008.4).

[6] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Cooper-pair number-phase quantization for the inductance coupling circuit includingJosephsonjunctions. Chin. Phys.Lett.,Vol.25(4): 1419 (2008.4).

[7] X.-Y.Zhang, J.-S.Wang*, et al., FluctuationofmesoscopicRLC circuit at finite

temperature. Chin. Phys.Lett.,Vol.25(9): 3126 (2008.9).

[8] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang, H.-Y.Fan, X.-G.Meng, ModifiedSQUID operator equation for a single-qubitstructure coupled to a quantum resonator. Chin. Phys.Lett.,Vol.25(10): 3753 (2008.10).

[9] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, Entangledstates in a single-qubitstructure with SQUID coupled with a super-conducting resonator.Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.49(1): 88 (2008.1).

[10] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Two-mode excited squeezed vacuum state and its properties. Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.49(5): 1299 (2008.5).

[11] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Wignerfunction and phase probability

distributionof q-analogue of squeezed one-photon state.Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.49(6): 1457 (2008.6).

[12] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, et al., Cooper-pair number-phase quantization analysis in double-Josephson-junctionmesoscopiccircuit coupled by a capacitor.

Chin. Phys. B,Vol.17(2): 697 (2008.2).

[13] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, et al., Wignerfunction for the generalized excited pair coherent state. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.17(5): 1791 (2008.5).

[14] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, et al., Theq-analogues of two-mode squeezed states

constructedby virtue of the IWOP technique. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.17(8): 2973 (2008.8).

[15] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, T.-K.Liu, Finite-dimensional even and odd nonlinear pair coherent states and their somenonclassicalproperties. Chin. Phys. B,Vol.17(9): 3350 (2008.9).

[16]苏杰,王继锁*,梁宝龙,张晓燕, 介观电容耦合LC电路在有限温度下的能量及热效应. 物理学报, Vol.57(11): 7216 (2008.11).

[17]孟祥国,王继锁,梁宝龙, 奇偶对相干态的维格纳函数和层析图函数.

光学学报, Vol.28(3): 549 (2008.3).


[1] J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, J.Feng, Y.-F.Gao, Establishingpath integral in the entangled state representation for Hamiltonians in quantum optics. Chin. Phys.,Vol.16(1): 23 (2007.1).

[2] J.-S.Wang, X.-G.Meng, Thenonlinear squeezed one-photon states and their

nonclassicalproperties. Chin. Phys.,Vol.16(8): 2422 (2007.8).

[3] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang*, et al., Wignerfunction and tomogram of the excited

squeezedvacuum state. Phys.Lett. A,Vol.361(3): 183 (2007.1).

[4] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, et al., Wignerfunction and tomogram of the pair

coherentstate. Phys.Lett. A,Vol.363(1-2): 12 (2007.3).

[5] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Phaseproperties of new even and odd nonlinear coherent states. PhysicaA,Vol.382(2): 494 (2007.8).

[6] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, Y.-L.Li, Neweven and odd nonlinear coherent states and theirnonclassicalproperties. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.46(5): 1205 (2007.5).

[7] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, Theq-analogues of squeezed states and some properties. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.46(5): 1307 (2007.5).

[8] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, Quantizationof the single-qubitstructure with SQUID. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.46(5): 1416 (2007.5).

[9] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, et al., Marginaldistributions ofWignerfunction in a

mesoscopicL-C circuit at finite temperature and thermalWigneroperator. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.46(7): 1779 (2007.7).

[10] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, X.-G.Meng, Entangledstates in the capacitance coupling doubleJosephsonjunctionmesoscopiccircuit. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.46(11): 2901 (2007.11).

[11] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, et al., Cooper-pair number-phase quantization for a

mesoscopicLC circuit including aJosephsonjunction. Chin. Phys.Lett.,Vol.24(11): 3241 (2007.11).

[12] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, B.-L.Liang, Thenormalized excited squeezed vacuum state and its applications. Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.47(5): 927 (2007.5).

[13] X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, Y.-L.Li, Wignerfunction and tomogram of theHermitepolynomial state. Chin. Phys.,Vol.16(8): 2415 (2007.8).

[14] B.-L.Liang, J.-S.Wang*, Quantizationof the double-qubitstructure and quantum computation. Chin. Phys.,Vol.16(10): 3097 (2007.10).

[15]孟祥国,王继锁*, 新的奇偶非线性相干态及其非经典性质.

物理学报, Vol.56(4): 2154 (2007.4).

[16]孟祥国,王继锁*,梁宝龙, 增光子奇偶相干态的Wigner函数.

物理学报, Vol.56(4): 2160 (2007.4).

[17]孟祥国,王继锁, 有限维奇偶对相干态的非经典性质.

物理学报, Vol.56(8): 4578 (2007.8).

[18]孟祥国,王继锁,梁宝龙, 增光子奇偶相干态的位相特性.

光学学报, Vol.27(4): 721 (2007.4).

[19]孟祥国,王继锁,梁宝龙, 双模激发压缩真空态的维格纳函数.

光学学报, Vol.27(9): 1700 (2007.9).

[20]梁宝龙,王继锁*,孟祥国,李艳玲,含有超导约瑟夫森结介观互感电路的量子化及其量子效应. 量子电子学报, Vol.24(5): 561 (2007.9).


[1] H.-Y.Fan, J.-S.Wang, et al., Cooper-pair number-phaseWignerfunction for thebosonicoperatorJosephsonmodel. Phys.Lett. A,Vol.359(6): 580 (2006.12).

[2] H.-Y.Fan, J.-S.Wang, et al., Cooper-pair-number-phase squeezing for thebosonicHamiltonian model ofJosephsonjunction.Mod.Phys.Lett. B,Vol.20(17): 1041 (2006.7).

[3] H.-Y.Fan, X.-G.Meng, J.-S.Wang, Newform ofLegendrepolynomials obtained by virtue of excited squeezed state and IWOP technique in quantum optics.Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.46(5): 845 (2006.11).

[4]孟祥国,王继锁, 有限维Hilbert空间Roy型奇偶非线性相干态的振幅平方压缩.物理学报, Vol.55(4): 1774 (2006.4).


[1] H.-Y.Fan, J.-S.Wang, OntheWeylordering invariance under general n-mode similar transformations. Mod.Phys.Lett. A,Vol.20(20): 1525 (2005.6).

[2] H.-Y.Fan, J.-S.Wang, Angularmomentum phase state representation for quantum pendulum. Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.43(4): 611 (2005.4).

[3] T.-K.Liu, J.-S.Wang, J.Feng, M.-S.Zhan, Entropyevolution properties in a system of two entangled atoms interacting with light field. Chin. Phys.,Vol.14(3): 536 (2005.3).


[1] J.-S.Wang, T.-K.Liu, J.Feng, J.-Z.Sun, Aclass of even and odd nonlinear coherent states and their properties. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.43(6): 1469 (2004.6).

[2] J.-S.Wang, T.-K.Liu, J.Feng, J.-Z.Sun, Aclass of k-quantum nonlinear coherent states and some of their properties. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.43(9): 1891 (2004.9).

[3] J.-S.Wang, T.-K.Liu, J.Feng, J.-Z.Sun, M.-S.Zhan, Anew kind of k-quantum

nonlinearcoherent state: their generation and physical meaning.Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.41(6): 935 (2004.6).

[4] J.-S.Wang, T.-K.Liu, J.Feng, J.-Z.Sun, Quantumstatistical properties of k-quantum nonlinear coherent states. Commun.Theor.Phys.,Vol.42(3): 419 (2004.9).

[5]王继锁,刘堂昆,冯健,孙金祚, Roy-型奇偶非线性相干态的位相概率分布.物理学报, Vol.53(11): 3729 (2004.11).


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[2] J.-S. Wang, J.Feng, Y.-FGao, T.-K.Liu, M.-S.Zhan, Neweven and odd nonlinear coherent states and theirnonclassicalproperties. Int. J.Theor. Phys.,Vol.42(1): 89 (2003.1).


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